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Interactive Video-Conferencing

REACT provides an innovative video-conferencing solution where you can attend meetings without leaving the comfort of your desk, just by using your laptop or desktop computers. This eliminates the need to book meeting rooms or buy expensive video-conferencing equipment.



In today's fast paced business world, the ability to quickly communicate, collaborate and make decisions is critical to success often requiring more meetings to be held - and often on an impromptu basis.  However, the busy schedules of colleagues and employees can make it difficult to hold those meetings especially when people are in other offices, towns and cities or on-the-road.



Often in business, staff are required to travel to visit clients, deliver product briefings & demonstrations or provide in-house training.  However, with the ever-increasing costs of travel and travelling down-time, companies require an alternative low cost and user friendlier option to travel.

Whether for a pre-planned or an impromtu meeting or conference, REACT can bring people together from almost any location without the need for travel - without even needing to leave the comfort of their chair!

What do I need?


A simple laptop with a webcam and microphone together with a network connection are all that is required to hold or prticipate in a meeting.  With no need to try to book meeting rooms to fit everyone's schedules, meetings of any size can be held on a planned or on an impromptu basis to overcome sudden emergencies or to meet critical deadlines.

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